About Law Firm Company

At the Law Firm Center we are known as The Law Firm Company providing links and other connections to the public free with our members of Legal Advisers. Legal App is our way at the Law Firm Center to connect the Worlds Best Lawyers privately owned operating as a  free public entity for profit earned from annual fees paid by our Attorney Members And Deluxe Members. Who join Attorney Database. The Attorney Database is where we pull our members information to place on many of our Free Legal Directory. Coming soon.
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About our history: Since 1969 The Law Firm Company was founded with passion for "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" not just some but for (all). 

Find soon at: legalprecedent.com our family winning land mark desision securing free education guaranteed by the constitution for all.

Learn more now at google:  Free education law Paulson v. Minidoka County School District No. 331, 463 P.2d 935 (Idaho 1970

*Note: Jack D. Paulson Marine Corps. Veteran Drill Sargent won appeals all the way to the Supreme court. Refusing damages amount requests. And never asked for a dime. Not even for attorney costs or fee's. A true American Hero. R.I.P. not forgotten.


Fixing the broken legal system is every ones goal. How we go about it is our mission. See fixing  the  BrokenLegalSystem.com


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